What we offer

Aqua Yoga for every day and for everyone

Aqua Yoga can be enjoyed by anyone, irrespective of age, fitness or previous experience of Yoga or swimming. By making use of the properties of water, it offers safe and effective exercise for all stages of life and allows the benefits of Yoga to be adapted to water, using fluid movement and stretches, while maintaining the flow of the breath enabling you to work your whole body.  Aqua Yoga supports long term health as well as being a complementary aid for physical recovery from injury and mobility.  

SLK Aqua Yoga,  offer group classes for antenatal, aqua tone and general aqua yoga, as well as tailored one to one sessions, which are particularly effective when recovering post op or from injury, or in the management of chronic long term conditions.

Aqua-natal Aqua Yoga

Simple, classic yoga poses are adapted to water, making classes enjoyable and fun for all.
Exercises allow pregnant women to stretch without straining as their babies grow, to avoid impact and overheating and to access deep relaxation. 
Especially good for those suffering from pelvic pain, backache and SPD.
 It is also a great way to meet other mums-to-be in a safe and supportive environment.

Aqua Tone

Yoga exercises are used to re-tone pelvic floor and other abdominal muscles .Classes are especially suitable for post natal re-toning and for ladies going through the menouse.
Breathing exercises are taught and explained for in pool and on land toning of the pelvic floor, and relaxation is always included at the end of each class to promote relaxation and positive emotions. 

Classes are a great way to meet other new mums and share new parenthood experiences, or other ladies experiencing the highs and lows of menopause.

General Aqua Yoga

Courses suitable for all abilities.   

Do you struggle with land based exercise?   Does your back, hip, knee ‘ complain ’ after you have done so? 

Do you want some ‘Me time' ?

General Aqua Yoga could be for you. 

Yoga adapted for water - gentle exercise, using water resistance, and hydrostatic pressure to work all areas of the body without stress or strain. 

A great way to meet new friends and exercise safely.

Relaxation is included at the end of all our classes.

Aqua Walk 

Aqua Walk supports long term health as well as being a complementary aid to recovery from injury or surgery.

Ideal for stability or mobility issues, knee, hip, shoulder and back complaints.  Stretching and breathing techniques, together with water resistance and hydrostatic pressure, will be used to safely exercise the areas needed.

We are now receiving referrals from Hospital Falls Clinics, local Osteopaths and Physiotherapists who report back to us that the range of movement of customers improves following attendance at our classes. 

Please contact to discuss your personal needs.

Long Term Conditions

Aqua Yoga supports long term health as well as being a complementary aid for long term chronic conditions such as Fibromyalgia, Parkinsons, MS, Osteoperosis, and Arthritis.

Classes can be run on a Group or 1 : 1 basis. 

Please contact to arrange an assessment lesson and to discuss your personal needs.

Aqua March

These classes are similar to our Aqua Walk classes, however, we have one pool which is slightly deeper and one which has less teaching space (due to a shelving pool floor).

Exercises are therefore more static, with less active walking sequence across or around the pool.

Small Group classes - 6 at Seaford, 7 at Small Dole.

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