
@ West Grinstead Swimming Academy

Aqua-natal Yoga 

Swimming is the most commonly recommended form of exercise for pregnant women.  Conventional swimming strokes (particularly breaststroke) can create strain on pelvic and lower back muscles.  With its extensive use of the breath, aquanatal yoga allows pregnant women to stretch as their babies grow, without straining, to avoid impact and overheating, and to access deep relaxation in a quick and easy manner.

Water provides a soothing yet stimulating environment to prepare for birth.  Aqua-natal Yoga, which is suitable from 14 weeks:


  • is a safe, gentle and effective way to tone abdominal and pelvic floor muscles
  • promotes an intimate bond with your growing baby
  • nurtures calm and self-confidence through the emotional rollercoaster of pregnancy
  • allows access to better and deeper sleep during pregnancy, which helps to reduce anxiety and tiredness


Aqua-natal yoga in pregnancy can be followed by our Aqua Tone classes suitable for re-toning abdominal and pelvic muscles after giving birth.





Afraid to cough, laugh, sneeze, or even worse jump on the bouncy castle or trampoline with the kids – read on .........

Apologies, we cannot find a statistic for the UK, however, in the US $17,000,000,000 (billion) is spent on incontinence products every year, and here in the UK we are certainly seeing an ever increasing range of advertising and products in the shops and on TV.

Advertising promotes discreet pads, you can now buy ‘pretty’ incontinence knickers, and sexy names such as Silhouette / Tranquility are being used to market products and to normalize their purchase and use.  However, should we simply accept that incontinence is inevitable?


Almost half of all women are affected by a weakened pelvic floor, but it is NEVER TOO LATE to do something about it!  In the majority of cases it is easily treated, and exercises are easily learned.  Muscles can be improved by 20% in just one week (not one class) and a strong reliable pelvic floor can be completely restored and maintained.  There will, however, always be extreme cases caused by injury, which may need specialist investigation, treatment or surgery.

The pelvic floor of both men and women can be weakened by many factors, obeisity, strenuous exercise, pregnancy; both before birth from carrying the extra weight of your baby and weakened muscles during labour, hormone changes during and following menopause, along with many other factors.

Not only does the pelvic floor support bladder, sexual function and bowel, it also supports and stabilizes the whole body, strengthening and straightening the torso, enabling us to walk straight and tall, thus minimizing strain on the back, shoulders, neck and hips.

Learning to identify the muscles to use, and how to tone, is the starting point, and SLK Aqua Yoga are now offering specific courses to explain and practice these exercises. 

Whilst all of our Aqua Yoga classes use regular breathing techniques within exercises, couple these with first gaining good knowledge of how to breathe and tone abdominal and pelvic muscles, you are on the road to improving your pelvic floor, the risk of leakage, and ultimately doing away with incontinence products – and the costs associated with them..

SLK Aqua Yoga are offering 5 week ‘Abdominal Toning’ courses to familiarize you with how and where to focus toning exercises.  You can attend more than one of these courses as a lot of our regular Aqua Yoga exercises are incorporated within these classes, or you can then move into one of our other General Aqua Yoga classes where gentle reminders will be given to you by your teacher of when to ‘tone’ within our aqua yoga exercises.

At present Abdominal Tone classes are available on a Tuesday and Thursday evening.  Suitable for all, but particularly beneficial for post natal ladies and ladies going though the Menopause. 

Gents you have a pelvic floor too – and the exercises we teach are equally applicable – you are welcome to join these courses.

The 5 week Aqua Tone course costs £65 (each class lasts 40 minutes)


Aqua Walk . The benefits of water have long been known;  physically, mentally and emotionally, along with the healing elements that come with it.

Walking in water is a gentle way of improving balance, building muscle strength, enhancing stamina, and increasing flexibility, all while giving you a gentle cardio workout.

These 40 minute classes run on a Monday at 1.20 pm, Thursday at 1.20 pm and Friday at 12.40 pm.

-  breathing difficulties

-  weight issues

-  hip/knee/ankle problem

-  and those looking to get back into gentle exercise

One of Taster Classes are available, after which time we book on a course by course basis.


The benefits of water have long been known;  physically, mentally and emotionally, along with the healing elements that come with it.

Walking in water is a gentle way of improving balance, building muscle strength, enhancing stamina, and increasing flexibility, all while giving you a gentle cardio workout.

These 40 minute classes run on a Monday at 12.40 pm, Thursday at 1.20 pm and Friday at 1.20 pm

-  breathing difficulties

-  weight issues

-  hip/knee/ankle problems (pre & post op)

-  and those looking to get back into gentle exercise

One of Taster Classes are available, after which time we book on a course by course basis.

What's New in January 2023 - 💦 Jog 💦

This course has been very popular. 

Please send a contact form if you wish to go on the wait list for the Autumn 2023 or January 2024 Aqua Jog Course

Aqua Yoga & how it has helped me - one customer's comments

November 2021

I have just given myself a health and fitness progress review, having made the decision at the end of April 2021 to get my fitness, weight and self-confidence back on track.

What started with a panic over high cholesterol and thoughts of turning 60 in early 2022, and then a tentative enquiry and rather nervous start to a one-to-one assessment with SLK, soon changed into a regular Tuesday evening fixture for me, and I have made slow and steady progress with my weight loss and muscle tone since then.  This form of exercise has very much complimented my other fitness activities, as well as helping to relieve tension and stress after a busy day at work.

I have found Sue's easy and calm manner and teaching style has been of real benefit to building my confidence with the exercises and although some of the movements seem so subtle, the physical change to both core and pelvic floor tone are quite tangible.

The location is very convenient, and the facilities are very clean and comfortably warm. The class size is just right and the lovely ladies of all ages make for a fun group meet every week.

I am so pleased that I took those initial tentative steps and feel motivated to keep up with the group as part of my ongoing approach to my own health and wellbeing.

I hope more people will be able to enjoy the classes as part of their own health journey.

Fiona, Southwater 

Camella Nair - Kriya Aqua Yoga

Challenging 5 of yoga’s ‘dry’

narratives for aging populations

Protecting and caring for our senior populations has been at the forefront of healthcare systems across the globe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Senior populations (those over 65) are expected to be the fastest growing demographic and reach 10% by 2050. With many people perhaps becoming more aware of the importance of exercise across all generations, it may be an idea to think ‘outside the box’ on how the yoga world has conventionally taught hatha yoga in order to expand the accessible component of the practice.

Slip into water and experience this for yourself if you are lucky enough to have pool access at this time. In order to do this and assuming that you may have a yoga practice on land but have not experienced it in the water, you do need to grasp that the benefits of the poses are not necessarily the same on land as in the water.

Very often, the benefits in water do in fact exceed that of practicing on land and this is due to the water’s buoyancy and resistance. Due to the turbulence in water while exercising, muscles are continually being activated in order to remain stable. Submerged in water, the aging body can exercise safely and reduce the risk of falls so that yoga therapy covering 5 important aspects to physical exercise can be prescribed in specific areas of the body with the correct dosage.

Challenging the ‘dry’ narrative and making yoga more accessible in the water has been a passion of mine for decades as I have seen many seniors both improve their physical and mental wellbeing with yoga in the water, especially in 5 key areas of exercise thought to reduce the risk of falling in seniors. According to ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine), It takes about 12 weeks of moderate to high intensity workouts 2-3 times a week to make significant improvements. That is a big ‘ask’ for many seniors on land as they may well have pain and extreme lack of range of motion on land, both of which have additional improvement benefits in the water. Lack of exercise compliance can mean that January resolutions rapidly fail as showing up on the mat or chair sometimes loses its original appeal. Working in the water in a small group setting can have an added bonus of creating a diverse sangha or group that resonates with each other, in spite of the fact that they may all be at varying stages of fitness, mobility and pain.

1. Improved respiration

Hydrostatic pressure can help improve muscles of respiration, including the major diaphragm, lungs, and heart. Exhale is assisted due to the increase in pressure and blood pumps its way around the body with vascular improvements. People that suffer with diabetes and lower limb swelling may get instant relief the moment they step into the water. In the gravitational field, energy known as Prana can be tricky to be drawn in and up in a balanced way, yet in the water its very nature lends itself to this cosmological concept effortlessly. It can mean that a student progresses much faster in the broader disciplines of yoga that leads to contentment and subsequently enlightenment, such as sense withdrawal and concentration that are vital for meditation. Finding a root system with feet plugged to the floor can challenge the most ardent yoga student in the water and deeper breathing is essential to make that connection in the water.

2. Balance

In order to improve balance, we have to practice it and we need stability here to successfully stand up on two feet, not only balancing on one such as tree pose. In the water people who are fearful of falling on land may be open to exercises that they would perhaps not try on land. This may also allow for more progressions such as Bird of Paradise from Tree Pose. Any turbulence created by other students or the yoga therapist agitating water around the lower extremities can also help to increase muscular activity in order to stay upright. Some deep-water exercises in the water with a buoyancy belt on can create new neurological pathways as the student tries to balance the center of gravity with the center of buoyancy. (this can vary with body constitution)

3. Strength

Training of large muscle groups in the upper and lower limbs in an aquatic environment can actually improve muscle hypertrophy. (muscle definition) It does not require lifting weights and risking injury on land but can utilize buoyant and resistant equipment to improve the outcome with less risk of injury. I have quite a few students over the years that have injured themselves with an aggressive exercise regimen (including yoga)

4. Agility

Walking through the water in varying patterning’s can be greatly beneficial, as can vinyasa yoga incorporating chair pose, warrior 1’s and warrior 3 and a reverse warrior with arms dragging through the water. With just the breath to inspire the movement or gentle music can prove very meditative and that is a great bonus for cognitive function. It can also inform the balance and strengthening components of a practice. The benefits of what students learn in the pool transfers very well to functioning better on land, especially self-confidence and posture.

5. Flexibility

I cannot count the number of people who told me they are not flexible enough to practice yoga. What is the yoga community and media projecting to the masses about who is able to practice yoga? Comfort and stability are traditionally the only pre-requisite of a yoga practice and so what we often see in magazines and social media is very detrimental to promoting yoga as a therapy to the very people who may benefit from it. Stiffness and reduced range of motion may modulate decades of ‘advanced yoga poses, even for those of us that have been practicing for many years. Again, the ACSM or the American College of Sports Medicine highlights the importance of flexibility during fitness training, yet often is neglected. In the water students can expect to see an increase of ROM of about 30%. This literally turns the clock back on years of sedentary lifestyle or fear of exercising after experiencing pain from accident or surgery.

Camella is an ordained Swami in the Kriya Lineage, IAYT-C, C-ATRI, Ayurvedic Health Educator 

  SLK Aqua Yoga  

Gift Vouchers  

Vouchers can be used for any of our aqua yoga courses

Gift vouchers entitle you to one pre-booked 6 week Aqua Yoga course or a 'one off' taster class

please contact for up to date prices

Vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash and 72 hours written notice is required to make any changes to bookings  

All vouchers are valid for 9 months and cannot be extended

First Class postage and packaging £1.50  

The Covid-19 Lockdown has been difficult for us all.  It has delayed the start of our wonderful new classes at the lovely  WGSA pool.  However, we are delighted that classes started on Monday 27th July, and the good news is that we are able to socially distance within the pool, and will be able to arrange safe changing facilities for those attending classes.

' Our New Normal " Initially, class numbers will be lower but we are keen to welcome you and get started.

During Lockdown:

Have you had the exciting news that you are expecting a new baby?

Do you already have a young baby, and are you now ready to start gentle exercise again, to re-tone abdominal and pelvic muscles?

Has Lockdown left you feeling stress or anxious?

Do you feel unfit, and ready for some gentle exercise in a safe, relaxing environment.

Do you have aches and pains that can be eased by breathing techniques and gentle exercise in water, focussing on the areas causing discomfort?

Do you have long term health issues?

Do you simply need some 'me time', which will leave you feeling more relaxed and positive.

We have classes suitable for all of the above, and more, and the good news is you do not need to be able to swim, and you need no knowledge of yoga.  Everything will be explained and every step taken at your own pace.

We would love to welcome you to SLK Aqua Yoga - drop us a message via our contact form and we can answer your questions.  Dates, prices and class times are all shown on our Availability Page.   Classes are available Monday and Friday lunchtime, and Tuesday evenings.  Thursday evenings starting September 2020.  

We look forward to meeting you soon.

Sue & Lizzie                                                                                                                                                                         4 June 2020

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